The Evolution of Alpha v0.7

On this day, one year ago, I released Project Unknown (PU) to the world to play, test, and enjoy, with the first update shortly after. Today, I bring you the next iteration, v0.7! Celebrating 4 years in the making, PU now finally receives one of the most critical updates, but it’s not a revolution – yet. This version features a variety of revised elements, but largely focuses on internal optimizations and structural reinforcements to enable all that is to come (more on that later). Nevertheless, there are plenty of new things to cover, so let’s jump right in.



This alpha version features a revised AI vision model, which allows for enhanced stealth play, but maintains the dynamics of engagement. This translates to more opportunities for players to initiate attacks and/or run away before it’s too late. Additionally, players can now utilize world objects for hiding, like crates! If that wasn’t enough, there is now also a new stealth weapon, a throwable knife that must be recovered after use. The best part, it’s completely silent! It proves especially helpful when a hostile is at range or not in direct line of sight.


PU finally differentiates between primary use equipment, like the main firearm, and secondary items, like grenades, other explosives in the future, or a knife. To use them more effectively, players can now hold down Q and aim while utilizing the new guide marks; releasing to throw when ready. There is a catch though, secondary items can only be used while the player is stationary and not performing other actions, like climbing, grappling, or using the elevator.


To further evolve the unpredictable nature of procedural generation, this version now features revised structures that have upper floor access and random platforms in between floors. This has made it possible to spawn AI inside structural elements, which can act as overwatch and make it more challenging for players to sneak through or by. Behind the scenes, the entire AI spawning system (AISS) has been reworked to make use of an algorithmic approach to selecting hostile locations in real-time. In practice, enemy units now spawn randomly, even when restarting the same level, forcing players to consistently adapt to their changing environment.


This version welcomes several ease-of-use enhancements, starting with the level generator (or deployment) menu. To make it easier to experience the dynamic environments in PU, 6 generation presets have been added; precision tuning is still available for those who dare. In showcasing true randomness, players can now also elect how they wish to insert into the battlefield, either through the edges of the world or via air (consistently random locations). In-game, there is now a convenient pause menu that quickly allows players to return to the main menu or restart the entire level; these are things that a proper alpha should have had from the beginning. As a cherry on top, the PU world received its first environmental upgrade through the addition of a dynamic weather system featuring rain/snow and a changing sky color.


For those interested in the specific changes made in this version, please see the official change log below. Enjoy!



-Fixed mouse cursor to be constrained in game window.

-Fixed elevator action icon to display only when the elevator is operable.

-Fixed reload animation showing at the same time as the aiming animation.

-Fixed door SFX playing when door is not opening/closing.

-Fixed AI walking animation stuck when approaching player in hiding.

-Fixed AI spawning inside structure walls.

-Fixed crates spawning on elevators.


-Updated damage model for crates and fences to take proper damage from grenades and other weapons.

-Changed elevator operation speed for faster and more fluent movement.               

-Updated elevator art model.

-Updated all interfaces to show the correct year for the version release.

-Removed Cave Density setting for the level generator; this setting will be maintained and adjusted by the generator automatically going forward.

-Updated mouse cursor to start at center of the screen at launch.

-Updated grenade use timer.

-Updated menu and aiming cursor art for enhanced visibility.

-Updated damage direction indicator to stay on longer after getting hurt.

-Updated terrain generation algorithm to exclude tall grass on the second ground layer to improve rendering performance.

-Updated game icon.

-Removed AI alert icon.

-Revised AI detection logic to make player more difficult to spot at a distance.

-Revised AI logic for when player is hiding inside an object to make AI target and shoot at the object.

-Revised AI Spawning System (AISS) to always generate hostiles at random in real-time using terrain/structure data; AI can now spawn around different areas of structures.

-Revised functionality of secondary items to be able to aim before using/throwing.

-Updated visual penalty upon damage to be slightly less aggressive.

-Removed FPS counter for a cleaner HUD.


-Added reload action icon when weapon clip is empty.

-Added elevator control icons when boarded.

-Added quit button to main menu and level generator menu.

-Added link to page from main menu.

-Added 6 level generator presets (environment types) for ease of use during testing.

-Added dynamic weather that can be turned on/off from the deployment menu; physical rain and snow based on biome zone.

-Added thunder SFX during the start of rainfall; by random chance.

-Added sky color change depending on weather.

-Added screen strobe effect and heartbeat SFX when health is 25% or less.

-Added new stealth weapon, a silent throwable knife.

-Added ability to switch secondary/throwable items with the mouse wheel.

-Added second floor side wall openings in structure generation.

-Added room dividers to structure generation to add to the variability of structures.

-Added item/health pickup SFX.

-Added "ready" screen to prevent game start automatically after loading is complete.

-Added choice of insertion into world; via edge (random left or right) or via air/parachute.

-Added space bar as an alternative up/jump key.

-Added in-game pause menu with options to return to main menu or restart level.


_PU Installer.exe 11 MB
Apr 09, 2022

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